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The pollen season starts as early as mid-February and can last even until November. Pollination of trees and grasses allows plants to grow and ripen, but for many people it means the return of troublesome ailments such as rhinitis, reddened conjunctivitis or scratching in the throat.

In other words, an allergy is a hypersensitivity reaction, as a result of which the immune system tries to remove factors from the body that do not actually threaten it at all. One of these is the pollen from trees, grasses and weeds floating in the air.

Pollen allergy – symptoms

Hay fever is one of the most common types of allergies found in people. Allergic rhinitis usually lasts for 2-3 months, and in some cases it can even last a whole year. Unlike normal rhinitis, which usually gets thicker after a few days, hay fever remains colourless and watery. Other pollen allergy symptoms include itchy nasal areas and reddened conjunctivitis, and dry and tiring cough.

Pollen allergy symptoms also appear in the mouth and are mainly felt as a scratch in the throat. This is because the secretion dripping down the back of the throat irritates the mucous membrane, leading to swelling. The mucus accumulating in the paranasal sinuses can also lead to headaches.

Pollen allergy symptoms and a cold

Pollen allergy symptoms are easily mistaken for a cold. If you are not sure what is wrong with you, it is worth looking at the frequency of the individual symptoms. If you sneeze and tear your eyes regularly, you may suspect that you are allergic to pollen. A cough, fever and a sore throat will indicate that we have a cold. It is also worth remembering that the cold takes about a week. Pollen allergy symptoms accompany the patient for a long time.

Allergy tests

Not every kind of pollen is harmful to allergies. A patient may only be allergic to pollen from one plant species or to several types of pollen. Allergy tests performed by allergologists are used to determine what we are allergic to. Pollen allergy is usually verified by skin tests.

Usually a small number of allergenic agents are injected into the patient intradermally. Pollen allergy tests are also carried out on a spot basis, while in small children allergy tests are carried out with blood. Allergy tests should be carried out outside the pollen season, so it is best to schedule them in late autumn or winter.

Allergy calendar. What do they dust in April and what about in May?

Pollen is a type of allergen that is very difficult to eliminate from its environment. The Allergy calendar helps you determine which plants are pollinating in a given period and with what intensity. It is worth remembering that in different regions the concentration of individual pollen will vary.

Pollen allergy – treatment

Allergy medication is mostly available without a prescription. The most popular preparations are antihistamines, which are designed to stop the histamine, which is responsible for activating the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Anti-histamines inhibit nuisance and reduce the incidence of the symptoms. The first generation of antihistamines are better able to cope with severe allergic symptoms, but may cause side effects, including fatigue and sleepiness.

Second generation antihistamines are better tolerated by the body and recommended for people who experience mild symptoms of pollen allergy. It is best to start treatment with these drugs as early as a few weeks before the period of intense pollen allergy.

Nose drops shrinking the mucous membrane will relieve hay fever and make breathing easier. However, do not use them longer than recommended in the leaflet. Acute allergic rhinitis can also be treated with steroid preparations. Eye drops and eye wash pharmaceuticals are also available in a pharmacy.

Pollen allergy is treated symptomatically. The preparations administered only alleviate the nuisance, but do not lead to their elimination. The only way that can help to permanently deal with the symptoms of allergy is immunotherapy, a popular sensitization.